Almost time to leave
It’s almost time… we leave home for Hajj tomorrow. The buildup has been phenomenal. We are beyond excited and cannot wait to reach the Beitullah. My heart longs and yearns for it. Once again I am reminded of what an…
The 5th Pillar of Faith…
This is a short post, to make an important announcement on behalf of myself and my sister, Fadeelah. Myself (Rogeema), as well as my sister (Fadeelah) and father (Abdullatief) would like to bid farewell to our beloved family and friends…
Knysna – The race that crept into my soul, then broke my heart…
The Knysna Forest Marathon 21km will always have a very special place in my heart. It’s one of my most favourite races on the calendar, yet it hasn’t always been kind to me. It was in 2010 when we first…
Thank you…and you…and YOU!
On Sunday, 8 January 2012, I will run the Bay to Bay 30km race. It is a breathtaking route from Camps Bay to Hout Bay, and back to Camps Bay, with 60% of the route having a view of the…
Adios 2011
2011… Wow, what a year! From the vibes I’ve been getting over the past few days, I know that a lot of people reading this may not have had a good year. A lot of my close friends have had…
135 Minutes for Brony…
On 12 November 2011, I will run a sub 2h15 half marathon. There…I said it. Who is Brony and why is her name in the heading? I will get to that soon enough. Right now I will first give the…
Happy Birthday Abdurahmaan
Call it an essay… Call it a birthday card on steroids… Call it what you want…I’m calling it a birthday wish for my “little” brother. I won’t embarrass you on the internet with baby photos.Oh wait…maybe not baby-baby photos, but…
The Slave Run
It was a clear, crisp, Sunday morning. I needed a long run. I didn’t have anyone to run with. But that was okay…because I’ve decided to take my Blackberry along, and when I #tweetmyrun I’m never really alone. I have my Twitter…
South Africa 2010
On 15 May 2004, the headlines of the BBC Sport section read: South Africa has won the right to host the 2010 World Cup finals after holding off the challenge of Morocco. It was one of countless headlines involving the…
I Am Runner…
ROAD RUNNING… it is my newfound passion and source of inspiration… and a true testament to the amazing machine that is the human body! Being a bit of a fitness junkie, I have always had a very intense love of gym…
Appreciate Little Blessings… They Are What Make Life Truly Amazing!
The spark that ignited the flame for today’s blog post came from a tweet I posted yesterday. But the story goes back to the 12hrs or so before that. And it just made me realise once more how we can…
What If Suddenly… ?
What if, what if suddenly,in a flash of fire and light, you got it! And among other things, you suddenly understood,without a doubt, the creative power of your word. Do you think you’d ever again utter, “it’s hard”, “it’s not…